Automagically track your time and location.

WHIB (Where Have I Been) is an iPhone app designed to help you keep track of your day. By automatically dropping location crumbs throughout the day, WHIB helps you track how and where you spend your time.

What makes WHIB different?

  • We automatically drop location crumbs (GPS coordinates) as you move through your day. No more 'manual' check-ins needed.

  • We respect your privacy and keep your location data strictly on your phone or in your iCloud. Which means we don't sell (or ever plan to sell) your data to advertisers.

  • We do not kill your battery. Over the months that we've developed this app, we have continually tweaked our algorithm to make sure we use very little battery power while still giving you accurate information. Expect WHIB to use less than 2-4% of your battery life per day.

Meet the Team

WHIB is mostly crafted by Mridul with some design and product input from Mayank.

  • All Things Code

  • All Things Design